Half Staff to Honor Phoenix Firefighter Brian Beck Jr.

Governor Doug Ducey today ordered flags at all state buildings be lowered to half-staff from sunrise to sunset tomorrow, Thursday, May 23, 2019 to honor Phoenix Firefighter Brian Beck Jr. Firefighter Beck passed away after battling occupational-related cancer. Beck, a third-generation firefighter, served at the Phoenix Fire Department for eight years. 

“Arizona is saddened by the loss of Firefighter Brian Beck Jr. and our prayers are with his family, friends and colleagues during this difficult time,” said Governor Ducey. “Brian was a dedicated member of the Phoenix Fire Department and lived a life of honor while serving and protecting Arizonans. In honor of Firefighter Beck’s life and service, I’ve ordered flags at all state buildings be lowered to half-staff.”

Flag(s) Lowered: 
Arizona & American Flag
Notice Type: 
Law Enforcement